Friday, November 29, 2013

Is the Kingdom of God and Heaven The Same? Yes, just Different Aspects

he kingdom of God is the same as The Kingdom of Heaven synonymous terms in the Gospels. Matthew is the only writer that uses " KOH" and he also uses KOG four times, whereas Mark and Luke only use Kingdom of God, never KOH. (KOH occurs 31 times in Matthew, KOG 4 times in Matthew). Kingdom of God occurs 69 times in the N.T. and 51 times in the four gospels. 

There are different aspects to the KOG 

1. The Universal Kingdom of God
2. The Spiritual KIngdom of God
3. The Theocratic Kingdom of God
4. The Mystery form of the Kingdom of God
5. The Millennial Kingdom of God
6. The Eternal Kingdom of God

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