Thursday, May 10, 2012

A site that all believers who are dispensational believers like me love is the Rapture Forum. This site is dedicated to the belief that Israel is a special nation, the apple of God's eye. God's plan for Israel continues, His plan for the gentile nations continue and His plan for all gentiles and Israelites that come to Christ in believing faith are at that point a member of the body of Christ, in this age of grace.

Click Here to visit the Rapture Forum.

The bible tells us that anyone who is against Israel is against God. A truly born from above believer will not be anti Israel. The logic of that statement is in the miracle of the new nature, the new birth in Christ. The Bible tells us that when a person is born from above that person is a new creation in Christ Jesus. To have the mind of Christ is to agree with God because Jesus is God and God is pro Israel. God being pro Israel does not mean He condones any sin an Israeli commits any more that He excuses any sin a Gentile commits, gentiles all who are not Israelites, Jews.
There are unsaved, those not born again, people that do support Israel, but the person who becomes a true Christian having been born from above will not be anti Israel.
I am proud to be a supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Many are without Christ but God has a wonderful plan for them as He does all Gentiles.

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