Sunday, May 20, 2012

One of the finest magazines I know of is “Israel My Glory” published by “Friends of Israel” ministry out of Bellmawr, New Jersey.
On September 20, 1970 I received Christ as my personal savior at Woodlawn Church of God in Royal Oak, Michigan under the preaching of Dr. Herbert A. Streeter.  Several years after my conversion I began attending DBC in Farmington Hills, Michigan.  It was there that I was introduced to the correct way to understand the word of God, the normal literal historical method which results in the dispensational view of God’s word.  This view is evangelistic, people friendly, Israel friendly and practical.  To embrace this view is to fully support the Biblical truth that God loves all people, died for all people and desires all peoples to be saved.  This view which is the true Biblical view correctly teaches that God has a plan for the lost national Israel, the Church the body of Christ and the lost Gentile peoples of the world.  Prior to the first advent there were only to groups Jews and Gentiles, but now there is three, the Church, the Nation Israel and the Gentile nations.  

From the time I was at DBC, 1972, until now I have been a supporter of Israel.  To not support Israel would be to figuratively speak “spit in the face of God”.   To be against Israel is to be against God’s chosen nation even as they exist in their present lost state.  Any Jewish person or Gentile person who accepts Christ in this dispensation becomes a member of the Body of Christ.  As humans from different groups they remain in that human category as far as the world is concerned but according to the Bible they are now a member of the Body of Christ.  These are those called out of the Jewish nation and Gentile nations and saved by the power of the Gospel as they trust in this good news freely. 

I encourage you to consider purchasing this magazine to keep yourself informed, educated and blessed concerning the correct understanding of God’s word which supports Israel and teaches that all humanity is savable and that God die for all and loves all wishing that no one perish and go to hell. 
If you do not know Christ as your personal savior turn to him today before you die and spend an eternity in everlasting outer darkness in the lake of fire that burns forever.

I ascribe my name to this view and Biblical Truth:  Gordon L. Slocum

Monday, May 14, 2012

The largest graduation to date at Liberty University:  The graduating class of 2012 was over 14,000 and over 7,000 were in attendance to receive their diplomas. Shannon Renee Slocum received her RN from Aquinas College, having attended prior to Aquinas North Alabama University and Calhoun Community College. Stacey Lynn Slocum graduated from John Brown University which is in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.  JBU ranked 1st among southern regional colleges in the “U.S. News and World Report: America’s Best Colleges” in 2012. For the past 5 years, JBU has been ranked consistently in the top 4. Now back to LU; LU is ranked 80 in the South and by the way Auburn is 83, Tennessee is higher than LU.  In 2011 LU regained the Number One National Debate Team Ranking.  Starting this year LU will play with the Big Boys in Football's Division 1, moving on up.   


Stacey graduated from John Brown University (BAR),
Shannon from Liberty University (BSN) and
I graduated from William Tyndale College (BRE) and from Liberty University (MAR) 
The oldest person to graduate from Liberty did so this year 2012 at the age of 77. 

The U.S.S. Conyngham DDG 17

This war ship is no longer in service.  It was the last of its class to serve.  I was stationed on board this ship from the summer of 65 to October 1968.  Gordon Slocum in Mediterranean Sea on board USS Conyngman DDG 17

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A site that all believers who are dispensational believers like me love is the Rapture Forum. This site is dedicated to the belief that Israel is a special nation, the apple of God's eye. God's plan for Israel continues, His plan for the gentile nations continue and His plan for all gentiles and Israelites that come to Christ in believing faith are at that point a member of the body of Christ, in this age of grace.

Click Here to visit the Rapture Forum.

The bible tells us that anyone who is against Israel is against God. A truly born from above believer will not be anti Israel. The logic of that statement is in the miracle of the new nature, the new birth in Christ. The Bible tells us that when a person is born from above that person is a new creation in Christ Jesus. To have the mind of Christ is to agree with God because Jesus is God and God is pro Israel. God being pro Israel does not mean He condones any sin an Israeli commits any more that He excuses any sin a Gentile commits, gentiles all who are not Israelites, Jews.
There are unsaved, those not born again, people that do support Israel, but the person who becomes a true Christian having been born from above will not be anti Israel.
I am proud to be a supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Many are without Christ but God has a wonderful plan for them as He does all Gentiles.

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